Wiki bil modifier W/ unilateral ICD-10

Corpus Christi, TX
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If my provider does an injection 20610-50 but the ICD-10 does not have a bilateral code, should we use laterality with both CPT and ICD-10 or is the modifier 50 ok on the CPT with the appropriate ICD-10 code?
I think we should bill 20610 LT; 20610 RT if the ICD-10 code does not have bilateral.
You will have to exeriment

You can use 20610-50 with two ICD.10 codes to support both injections. However, there are insurance companies that want 20610--RT & 20610-LT billed instead of the 20610-50.

You will just need to experiment with these. I usually separate the injections and then rebill the insurance companies that want them billed with a -50 modifier.

Keep track since not all insurance companies will handle this the same way and you will have to adjust your coding accordingly.