Wiki Benchmarking data on coders


Montross, VA
Best answers
Does anyone know where I can find benchmarking data on coders and how many claims is a standard to process daily? I have multispecialty clinics + inpatient/surgical coding (facility) coding to set goals for and can't find this data anywhere.
This question has been asked repeatedly for at least the 20 years I've been coding. There are so many things to consider to determine the right benchmark for your practice. Do all the coders work from a general work queue or are they specialized? Does the practice work with strictly electronic practice management system or is some work still on paper? Are the coders expected to review denials or strictly code? Are the coders required to consider the carrier while coding (for instance, we use the X modifiers with Medicare but modifier 59 with commercial carriers)? Are the coders required to register new patients? Update insurance information? Coordinate with facility coders? Are the physicians and providers responsible for coding and are they savvy coders? Do the coders have communication access to the physicians and providers or do they have to funnel their queries to a centralized source? Does the practice management system work well?! Etc.