Wiki Behavioral Health -Teleservices


Bolingbrook, IL
Best answers
I am new to Behavioral Health Speciality. My physician like to provide telehealth services?
Does anyone know if the insurance companies are reimbursing these services?
What are the telehealth codes for this specialty?
We provide just the basic codes 90832,90834,90837,90791 and 90847. Does these codes require prior authorizations?
Thank you so much!
I am new to Behavioral Health Speciality. My physician like to provide telehealth services?
Does anyone know if the insurance companies are reimbursing these services?
What are the telehealth codes for this specialty?
We provide just the basic codes 90832,90834,90837,90791 and 90847. Does these codes require prior authorizations?
Thank you so much!
I have billed most of these codes for telehealth along with modifier 95 without any issues. I deal mostly with Blue Cross and Michigan Medicaid along with a few other commercial insurances. Certain insurance companies probably require authorization but none that I have dealt with yet.
Lorettah is correct all these CPT codes can be billed for beh. health providers just ensure your clinical staff add time on the patients medical record for the day (spoke with pt 15 mins , 20 mins Etc) and modifier 95.
I hope this data helps you
Lady T
Thank you Lorettah!
If we need authorization, how can I get it?
How long does the authorization process take in this speciality?
Thank you Lorettah!
If we need authorization, how can I get it?
How long does the authorization process take in this speciality?
I have never actually had to get a prior auth for behavorial health. I am in a fairly remote area and it is rare that we have patients that aren't either Blue Cross or Medicaid. I would start with the payer websites. Most probably have a form that can be filled in either electronically or faxed. So, I can't help with how long that might take.
Thank you Lorettah!
If we need authorization, how can I get it?
How long does the authorization process take in this speciality?
Depends on the insurance.. Some of them will give you an auth right over the phone .. some you have to send in documentation.. your best bet is just to call and start asking