Wiki BCG Vaccinated Patient requiring X-Ray for TB Screening


Colorado Springs, CO
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I am hoping someone has come across this situation before. One of our providers had a patient come in who has in the past received the BCG vaccine. The vaccine can causes a reaction to the TB skin test so we did an x-ray which is being denied with the V74.1 Dx. Since we do not have documentation of a positive TB reaction I am unsure of how proceed. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
I am hoping someone has come across this situation before. One of our providers had a patient come in who has in the past received the BCG vaccine. The vaccine can causes a reaction to the TB skin test so we did an x-ray which is being denied with the V74.1 Dx. Since we do not have documentation of a positive TB reaction I am unsure of how proceed. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

There is no other appropriate dx code to use. What exactly does the denial state?