Wiki Bariatric Labs


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I'm having trouble finding good DX codes for routine bariatric labs. Can anyone help?:
I am not sure why you would use 579.3 unless that is the condition documented, but you need to look in the documentation for the patient's dx and the reason for the labs. If it is obesity then that is the code you use with the appropriate BMI, if they are screenings then that is where you look for your codes. The good dx codes for any purpose is always the code that matches the physician documentation.
routinely labs are done on bariatric patients to check a number of things - iron levels, calcium, etc. After having bariatric surgery patients tend to have abnormal labs due to the malabsorption from the bypass or BPD/DS. It is also a good indicator for malnutrition. Patients are then placed on the appropriate vitamins, iron, etc. We routinely do these every three months the first year and then usually yearly afterwards.