Wiki Bakri Balloon

Newport, VT
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Looking for assistance in coding suction D&C for retained placenta and then return to OR about two hours later for continued bleeding. On return to OR suction D&C done again and Bakri Balloon placement was then done. (This patient delivered vaginally 3/18, had to go to operating room due to post partum hemorrhage, I billed 59160, D&C after delivery.) She continued to have bleeding, 3/25 she had above mentioned procedures. (PP endometritis)
Am I able to bill suction D&C twice on 3/25? Not sure correct CPT as he did do suction and 59160 is no suction. Also with Modifier 78? Would the balloon placement be unlisted code 59899, comparable to maybe IUD insertion 58300?
Thank you for your advice.
Hello and Thank you, Ahgusman for your response :)
I am new to OBGYN, I am learning every day .. I would like to say/my opinion that:
1. you can use -78 since pt was sent to OR for a procedure
2. it's 59160 because it relates to a delivery even though it looks like MUA suction. I posted this question on the same forum here= 59160 is the answer.
3. unlisted CPT for placement of Bakri balloon to compare with IUD placement 58300
4. I wonder if we can use -22 instead of unlisted CPT for balloon?