This one is always confusing me. Axiallary mass excision, subcutaneous 2cmx1.5 . The note states "An elliptical incision was made somewhat irregular in shape to emcompass the entire subcutaneous area nodule as well as the sinus tracts" If I go to the musculoskeletal section, what part do I go to. Back/Flank , Neck (soft tissue) and thorax or any other suggestions?
This one is always confusing me. Axiallary mass excision, subcutaneous 2cmx1.5 . The note states "An elliptical incision was made somewhat irregular in shape to emcompass the entire subcutaneous area nodule as well as the sinus tracts" If I go to the musculoskeletal section, what part do I go to. Back/Flank , Neck (soft tissue) and thorax or any other suggestions?