This question is two fold and I need fresh opinions:
We have a long standing issue in our office. When a physician bills a preventive visit for a Medicare pt, it has to be either an IPPE or AWV.
1. When the Dr bills a regular preventive and bills a 99396....we cannot convert the code to an AWV code correct? Because there are elements of an AWV that aren't covered in a regular preventive correct?
And 2: if the latter is the case....the visit cannot be converted to a sick visit correct? We have been trying to explain all this but it's hard to find documentation on such. The problem begins with the scheduler scheduling a regular well visit and associated template and then the physician just follows it. Fixing the scheduling problem is what needs to be done...its at the crux of the issue.
We have a long standing issue in our office. When a physician bills a preventive visit for a Medicare pt, it has to be either an IPPE or AWV.
1. When the Dr bills a regular preventive and bills a 99396....we cannot convert the code to an AWV code correct? Because there are elements of an AWV that aren't covered in a regular preventive correct?
And 2: if the latter is the case....the visit cannot be converted to a sick visit correct? We have been trying to explain all this but it's hard to find documentation on such. The problem begins with the scheduler scheduling a regular well visit and associated template and then the physician just follows it. Fixing the scheduling problem is what needs to be done...its at the crux of the issue.