I have applied with them 3 times, and each time have never gotten a response back. I have 3 years coding experience, with excellent quality and I am always one of my current companies top producers. You would think I would at least get a thank you but no thanks, or something. It was kind of frustrating.
get a lawyer first

Avia code offered me a contract, 75 pages long. My lawyer read it and advised me not to sign with them. I didn't. Lots of loop holes, wouldn't commit to a specific rate of pay, couldn't guarantee me hours, rate of pay was subject to change at any time, and they wanted me to pay for my solfware. I guess if you are depserate, then they are the company for you. But if they offer you a contract; get a lawyer to read it first. You'd be surprised at what's hidden in the fine print.
Hi, I was wondering if this company really is that great. I passed their test and they sent me a welcome packet and IC contract to sign. I really want to be able to do this full time but was concerned that they will have enough work for me to quit my onsite full-time job and go full time with aviacode. Any advice/input would be appreciated.

Thanks so much,
Sandra Fedler, CPC-A
I do not believe that any of their contract work is considered full time. I do QA for them and I get about 5 hours a week. They told me that it would be about 10-15 hours a week. For coding it is all how much you can do, however there are usually at least 2 coders assigned to a provider. So there can be a bit of "fighting" over the work.
I wouldn't recommend them. They pay very low and I didnt care for the supervisor in charge of a job I did for them. The training was inadequate for what they were expecting.

Dont quit your day job. My best friend did and she can't even make rent on time. I chose to keep my job and work through the lack of sleep. I work for them, but again is more like PRN. It helps if you have a few hours of free time, but you can't bank on it...Not so much them, its the providers who they have contracts with. They don't send their cases in on a regular, but yet they expect you to wait day in and day out for them.