Wiki AV Fistula exploration and repair


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Hi! I was wondering if using proc 35860 (exploration of extremity for hemmorrhage) would be correct to use on a pt who AV Fistula implant was done 8 months ago and now in need of exploration and repair of 2 small lacerations.

Ie: Incision made over graft site etc...two small lacerations seen down on the arterial end. Two sutures were done in each lacerations.
Fistualogram was done in three different directions.....

Is there a time frame when you can use the 35860 for an exploration of a surgical site?? I was thinking, maybe, if it would be like 90 days post op? I have not seen anything in writing so if you have I would love to know where you found it :p

OR/Would you use direct repair of artery..(35206) :confused:

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Thank you and have a great day~