Wiki Auditor to Provider Ratios/Average/Industry Standard

Atlantic City, NJ
Best answers
Hello All :)

I have been searching online for industry standards for auditor to provider ratios or an average number of providers auditors are responsible for. So far, I haven't had much success. I can find audit productivity information but not much on number of providers per auditor. Hoping some of you have come across this information and can help me out.🤞

Question: Is there an industry standard for the number of providers an experienced auditor is expected to support (onboard, educate, audit, and everything else we do )?

Many thanks in advance!
Did you try MGMA or AHIMA? AAPC audit services "might" be willing to give a ballpark.

I think this could be very all over the place depending on the tasks, work assignments, type of audits, and many other scenarios.
In all cases, I am sure it's not enough staff to providers. Many providers require so much hand-holding it would almost be 1:1 (lol). However, in real life it's more like 1:100!