Wiki Auditing Ultrasounds


Murrieta, CA
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Currently I'm auditing ultrsounds performed at an OB diagnostic center. This center receives referrals from other OB doctors for the routine ultrasounds and also to monitor high risk pregnancies. What I'm finding is that the technician is taking the ultrasound then reviews the images with the OB who provides the report and the techinician goes over the results with the patient. They bill an E/M serivice along with the ultrasound.

I do not agree witht he E/M because the techinician should not be going over the results with the patient, they bill the E/M based on time due to the review of the ultrasound which still I don't agree so Im denying this service.

The second issue is that they supplies only the report for the ultrasound but no images so I'm also denying this service because they billed for both technical and professional component. My question is can I deny the service for this reason no images supplied?

Please share your thoughts and any references regarding ultrasound auditing.

Thank you,

Cindy Lopez, CPC, CHCA