Wiki Audiology test and interpretation for 2021 E&M guidelines


True Blue
Hinsdale, MA
Best answers
Our audiologist performs 2 hearing tests. Our MD notes and interprets the hearing test for hearing loss. Our MD then orders an annual hearing test.
Yes, the audiologists are in our office, but they do not interpret or note test results, even though they bill for audiology/tymp tests themselves.
How many points under "Amount/complexity of data reviewed, ordered and analyzed does this count for".
thank you
So, your audiologists perform and bill for the hearing tests but do not document an interpretation? So when you bill for the audiologists are you appending Mod. TC? and than billing the hearing test under the MD with Mod. 26? Also, are the Audiologist billing under their own NPI and Tax ID? or their own NPI and the Groups tax ID?
We bill hearing exams under our MD as supervisors. We bill rendering provider under audiologist, or MD, depending on whether our audiologist is contracted with insurance company or not. (we bill under audiologist for Medicare, BCBS, and Tufts HMO.) So far, we have not been appending Mod TC for audiologist portion, nor Mod 26 for MD/Physician assistant portion. Our audiologists do not order nor interpret test results. Only the MD or PA can do that and they interpret hearing test results and document them in the EXAM portion under Ear, Nose, and Mouth and throat section. More specifically under ears with otoscopy, tympanic membrane inspection, etc. The audiologists do not perform the exam. The final diagnosis is determined by MD or PA and it is only they who can diagnose, treat, and order more hearing tests.
Our audiologists bill 92550-92596. The diagnoses are established by the MD or PA.
Your help is greatly appreciated.