Wiki Audiology and doctor visit


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If a new patient comes into the office and has their hearing tested by the audiologist and then few days later comes back in and sees one of our physicians can the physicain charge a new patient visit since he has never seen that patient before or would if have to charge an established patient visit since the patient was previously seen by the audiologist?

ENT Billing Manager

Yes you can bill for a new patient visit. The audiometric tests are diagnostic and not considered an E & M visit. We do this quite often in our ENT practice.
I saw your post and have been trying for weeks to get some answers on billing and I hope you can help. We have hired an Audiologist and she will be providing the hearing test 92557. When the patient comes to see our physician then sees her as well on the same day do we charge another copay? Do we need to get referrals? I am so lost with this and any help would be appreciated.