Wiki Attempted subclavian ptca ??


Jonesboro, AR
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Can i code anything for this procedure? He returned later and had a successful stenting of the subclavian through the brachial. I just wasn't sure if there was anything i could code on this first procedure. Thank you.

BRIEF HISTORY: 52-year old white male who is having this test done
because probable left subclavian artery stenosis.

PROCEDURE: Aortogram and attempted left subclavian artery PTCA.

A. DYE USED: Less than 20 cc's of dye.
B. COMPLICATIONS: No acute or apparent complications.
C. PREMEDICATIONS: 25mg of p.o. Benadryl and 5mg of p.o. Valium.
D. TECHNIQUE: Modified Seldinger technique through the right femoral
E. CATHETERS: 6 French Shuttle sheath also used was a 5 French
guiding catheter to see if we could engage the left subclavian artery.

PROCEDURE: Of note, we did an aortogram. Left subclavian artery
appeared to be totally occluded.
So we tried to attempt to wire this. This was unsuccessful.

Aortogram showed left subclavian artery was totally occluded. Wiring
was unsuccessful.
Can i code anything for this procedure? He returned later and had a successful stenting of the subclavian through the brachial. I just wasn't sure if there was anything i could code on this first procedure. Thank you.

BRIEF HISTORY: 52-year old white male who is having this test done
because probable left subclavian artery stenosis.

PROCEDURE: Aortogram and attempted left subclavian artery PTCA.

A. DYE USED: Less than 20 cc's of dye.
B. COMPLICATIONS: No acute or apparent complications.
C. PREMEDICATIONS: 25mg of p.o. Benadryl and 5mg of p.o. Valium.
D. TECHNIQUE: Modified Seldinger technique through the right femoral
E. CATHETERS: 6 French Shuttle sheath also used was a 5 French
guiding catheter to see if we could engage the left subclavian artery.

PROCEDURE: Of note, we did an aortogram. Left subclavian artery
appeared to be totally occluded.
So we tried to attempt to wire this. This was unsuccessful.

Aortogram showed left subclavian artery was totally occluded. Wiring
was unsuccessful.

I would bill this 36221- Non selective great vessels. No catheterization of the subclavian or imaging is documented.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC