Wiki Attempted PTCA

Jim Pawloski

True Blue
Ann Arbor
Best answers
O.K. everybody I need a little help,

An attempted PTCA was performed, but was unsuccessful because of tortuousity. The doctor worked in trying to get the balloon down past the lesion for a couple of hours. So I said to bill the angioplasty with the modifier -52. Coders tell me that they can't add the modifier because the patient status at the time of the procedure was an in-patient.
Has anyone run into this situation?

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC:confused:
Attempted Plasty


I am facing the same situation, re:attempted procedure. I'm billing it whether it is IP or OP. I just haven't decided which modifier I am going to use, 52 or 53 modifier.

I will be watching for responses.

No, You can use modifier 52 or 53 in the IP setting. 52 modifer should be used if patient was stable, 53 modifier should be used if patient was unstable( the reason the procedure was stopped).