Wiki Attempted peripheral intervention


Loganville, GA
Best answers
Can I bill this as 37224-52 or only a catheter insertion 36200?

Attempted vessel: Right SFA.

PROCEDURE AND DETAIL: After informed consent was obtained, patient was
brought to the imaging suite where he was placed in the prone position
and the popliteal artery was exposed. After sterile preparation and
anesthesia to the right popliteal, the right popliteal artery was
cannulated and a 5-French sheath was advanced. Wire was advanced from
distal to proximal fashion. Heparin was advanced. However, aggressive
use of the wire did not result in any further movement of the occlusion.
Wire and catheter was used as well as an approach wire. However, the
wire was noted to go subintimal. Procedure was terminated at this point
and hemostasis right popliteal artery was obtained by manual
compression. 465291sam