Wiki Attempt to Service pt


Fayetteville, GA
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My provider was called to do a in patient consult but was not able to finish due to the pt refusing medications and treatment. Can this still be billed and what code should be used? Please see notes below:

History of present illness: this is a 70 year Caucasian man, who was hospitalized 1st at Holmes regional medical center then at kindred hospital, for sepsis, right lower lobe pneumonia, metabolic encephalopathy, end-stage renal disease on peritoneal dialysis, chronic hypo-tension, symptomatic bradycardia, pacemaker implant, right BKA, left ft ulcers. The patient is refusing medications and treatment at this time. I have attempted to evaluate the patient but due to the patient's explicit refusal the family agreed with not to go forward with the evaluation and I have abandoned to proceed. I understand there is as scheduled family meeting with palliative care for today this afternoon. If I could be of any help please do not hesitate to call me. Unfortunately, at this point I cannot do any further intervention.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
