Wiki Asymptomatic Angina w/nitroglycerine in the medications list

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On Cardiology medical records, I often see:
"Angina (CCS-1) - Asymptomatic" listed underneath the Assessments Section (no current angina or chest pain documented)
and on the medications list is Nitroglycerin (sometimes it will say 'for chest pain' but not always)
would we be able to code 413.9, Other and unspecified angina pectoris, in this instance?
According to Fay Brown, "a coder must not assume a diagnosis solely on the basis of medication administation" pg 40, Faye Brown's ICD-9-CM Coding Handbook 2015
the only Coding Clinic i could find even close was year 1991 Third, hx of arteriosclerotic heart disease w/asymptomatic angina which states 413.9 would qualify as a reportable add'l dx "if the physician includes it in the diagnostic statement." and this pertained to a patient taking Isordil for control of angina.