Wiki Asst surgeon


Paramus, NJ
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Can anyone tell me if a doctor is the Assistant surgeon, does the 90 day global period also apply? Example, our surgeon assisted on a surgery with a doctor not in his practice. Pt went back to hospital with similiar symptoms within the 90 days of surgery, but our surgeon did the consult, not the original surgeon. Can our surgeon bill for this and do we need to append the 24 modifier?
Assist surg

If you billed with a modifier 80 and the procedure has a 90 day global period then no you cannot bill for the consult if its related - as both the surgeon and assist are under the surgical package rules - However if you believe that the consult was not related and the documentation substantiates this then you can bill with the modifier 24 - keep in mind most carriers will deny as global and you will need to send to review.