Wiki Assisted Living Facilities/NPI

Lake Worth, FL
Best answers
Is it okay to put your providers group NPI as the service facility NPI for an ALF since the facility is not required to have one? BCBS seems to be the only insurance I've come across that requires an NPI on their claims.
Since BCBS is the one requiring it, I think you would need to ask them - I wouldn't assume one way or the other. The payer's web site may have a provider billing manual with instructions for what to do in this situation. It's possible they may accept a dummy NPI number if the facility or location where services were rendered does not have one.
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For the service location box 32 on the HCFA-1500 form I use the address of the assisted living facility and the providers NPI number. For box 33 I use our office location and the office NPI. This was how I was instructed by the insurance companies when we first started billing for our NP's visit to patients in assisted living facilities. That was 3 years ago so unless something has changed that I am not aware of this is how we still do this. I have not had any issues so far this year.