Wiki assessment question


Mantua, NJ
Best answers
I'm taking an assessment test for a job and I'm really confused about this one question. I have the option to query the physician or just code it how it is....

A 75-year-old female was admitted in acute respiratory failure. She has COPD with acute exacerbation and is oxygen dependent at home, has a 50 year history of smoking which she continues in spite of warning to the contrary. Physician documents in progress notes that, "sputum cultures show streptococcus A pneumonia.? IV antibiotics given for duration of hospital stay. She was intubated in the ER and started on mechanical ventilation. Forty-three hours later she was extubated and was able to breathe on her own. Pt went home with her continued oxygen therapy with additional warnings of the hazards of smoking with compressed oxygen in the house.

I was thinking query
What information is it that you require from the Dr? What's the missing information you feel is needed? These are just hypothetical but important questions to ask yourself.
To me it looks codeable. But without the full SOAP note, or something similar, I don't feel comfortable coding it.