Joyce Burchett
Patient in post-op of bilateral total mastectomy in March & drain removal April 6th. Dr. is now doing an aspiration of the seroma in the office procedural room. Prepped & draped RT mastectomy site & infiltrated the skin under the mastectomy incision with 1% lidocaine with epi. A stab incision was made in the skin with an #11 blade. Inserted the seroma catheter & needle under direct ultrasound visualization. Images captured & stored. Once straw colored fluid was seen in the catheter, the needle was removed & 50 cc of clear seroma fluid was drained from the cavity. Next, the cavity was flushed with 250 cc of saline. The irrigant was completely aspirated from the mastectomy cavity. Then, I expanded the cavity with 70% ethanol until the patient complained of mild discomfort. The catheter was clamped & patient was left laying suspine for 40 minutes. After this time the ethanol from the cavity was completely aspirated until the mastectomy flap is flushed with her pectoralis muscle. A post-procedural US was obtained to confirm complete collapse of the cavity. The catheter was withdrawn & the catheter puncture wound was covered with a band-aid. Would this be billable with CPT 49185 or is this 10030, 10140, or 10160. Can you charge ultrasound separately if you use 10140 or 10160?