Wiki ASD Closure w/ ICE


Columbia, SC
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Can anyone help me with this one?

I am trying to bill for an ASD closure with an ICE that was done also. I used code 33641 for the closure but the only ICE code I could find is the 93662 which is an add on code and can't be billed without the primary code.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks so much!!! :confused:
Can anyone help me with this one?

I am trying to bill for an ASD closure with an ICE that was done also. I used code 33641 for the closure but the only ICE code I could find is the 93662 which is an add on code and can't be billed without the primary code.

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Thanks so much!!! :confused:

I think you should take a look at 93580 for the closure. 93662 is correct for the ICE.

HTH :)