Wiki ASC Billing Questions


Spencer, IA
Best answers
After working in family practice for 18 years, the ASC is a whole new experience for me. Which brings up a couple of questions for me.

Is anyone billing ASC fees to Iowa Medicaid? Someone on the current staff here is telling me that we never get the ASC fee paid by Medicaid without going through the review process. How can that be?? Makes me wonder if something is not being done correctly. Anyone having any luck out there?

Also I am being told that we cannot send our UB's electronically. At the family practice clinic I worked at we were an RHC, and all the UB's went electronically. Are there issues here I should be aware of. This ASC uses the same software I was using in FP so I would think this shouldn't be an issue.

Any advice would be appreciated.


Donna Struve CPC
I bill UB charges to Georgia Medicaid electronically and have no problem. My claims never go through review in order to get paid.

As far as sending UB's electronically, I would contact your clearinghouse to get this set up. I can't imagine that it would be a problem unless there is some limitation in your billing software that precludes it.