I this an unlisted code ? 29862 says abrasion arthroplasty (doesn’t mention drilling or microfracture like the knee code)
Agree, you can try the unlisted but it may or may not work. It depends on the payer and then you end up having to submit records and usually appeal it. There would have to be documentation to support why it was done.We had an Ortho seminar put on by Karen zupko and associates in July 2021 and were told to use the unlisted code for a hip microfx using the knee code 29879 as a comparable code. It is hard to know if things are bundled since the code is unlisted. I would think you could bill it with the Labral repair 29916 because menisectomy is billable with the 29879 Micro fX code. 29916 and 29915 can’t be billed together they are bundled.