Wiki Arteriovenous shunt for dialysis


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I do HCC risk coding and have a pt who had the placement of an AV shunt in preparation for dialysis, however the renal function improved enough at present to hold off on starting dialysis. Can we still code Z99.2 even though they have not yet started the dialysis, or is there another code that should be used? Tabular list does indicate "presence of AV shunt for dialysis".Am unsure since dialysis has not yet started. Thank you
No, as in the tabular list in ICD 10 there is an "Excludes 1" for prescence of AV shunt for dialysis.
Yes you are correct after looking further at I77.0. Also looking further into what Z99.2 includes I am not sure why you wouldn't be able to use it, because it does count for the presence of the shunt. Even though the patient is not yet on dialysis, it was done for that intent.