Wiki arteriogram


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Any input for codes for the following would be appreciated. The patient has hypertension of unclear etiology. An 18 gauge access needle was used to puncture the right common femoral artery. Under ultrasound guidance, a french sheath was placed. An arteriogram was performed in multiple obliquities of the external iliac artery and the transplanted renal artery, there were no stenosis identified. Procedure was terminated.

36140 and 75710?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Any input for codes for the following would be appreciated. The patient has hypertension of unclear etiology. An 18 gauge access needle was used to puncture the right common femoral artery. Under ultrasound guidance, a french sheath was placed. An arteriogram was performed in multiple obliquities of the external iliac artery and the transplanted renal artery, there were no stenosis identified. Procedure was terminated.

36140 and 75710?

Thanks in advance for any help.

That's the way I would bill it.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC