Wiki Are there any guidelines for charging a different E&M level for the facility vs the provider E&M?

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I have an insurance that wants to take their payment back because the facility e&m level does not match the provider e&m level. Are there any guidelines to support charging 2 different levels?
"Facility coding guidelines are inherently different from professional coding guidelines. Facility coding reflects the volume and intensity of resources utilized by the facility to provide patient care, whereas professional codes are determined based on the complexity and intensity of provider performed work and include the cognitive effort expended by the provider. As such, there is no definitive strong correlation between facility and professional coding and thus no rational basis for the application of one set of derived codes, either facility or professional, to the determination of the other on a case-by-case basis."

Did you check the payer provider manual? Try to check CMS regs and use that.

They are two totally different ways of coding. Many times they match, but there are also many times when they are different.