Wiki AR Seminars/ or Out of Network Seminars wanted


Amityville, NY
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Does anyone have any information about AR seminars for commercial insurance companies. There are tons of coding/ ICD10/ or Medicare seminars but I am not having any luck finding a good AR seminar. The manager at my old office used to go annually to a seminar where they discussed Appeal letters, Timely filing, Refund requests, and filing complaints with the NYS state insurance commissioner. All of this was in regards to commercial insurance companies and she would come back with lots of information but unfortunately never let any of the rest of the billing department go.

I'm now in a new office and we would love to find something with real in depth information on better ways to connect and collect with the commercial insurances. ( The manager from the old office is long gone so no way to ask her)

Also our practice is Out of Network and if anyone has heard of a seminar relating to out of network providers and their rights, that information would also be appreciated.


Many years ago I went to a seminar put on by Karin Zuppko and Associates. (Spelling may not be accurate). I know they put on conferences relating to several specialties, and if I remember correctly, they spent a lot of time on A/R follow up strategies.

As part of the follow up, one of their representatives came to our office for a few days and made suggestions on various issues.

Patricia Murrin, CPC, RCC
Independent Radiology Coder
thank you I'll look into that.
It amazing how little there is out there for such an integral part of the medical billing department.