Wiki application of stsg and skin substitute on donor site


Graniteville, SC
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Is it correct to bill for application of STSG AND application of skin substitute to the donor site during the same surgery? (see my example below)

1. Surgical preparation of left lower leg 20x20cm, with application of split thickness skin graft
2. Application of Suprathel skin substitute to left thigh donor site 20x10cm and surgical excisional debridement of right leg eschar 8x6cm, skin only
Yes. You would use a split thickness skin graft code for the left lower leg, and 15273/15274 for the left thigh. Also, don't forget to bill the prep code for the stsg. Finally, you should be able to bill for the excisional debridement since it is a separate wound. However, debrided wounds need to be measured in length, width, and depth, even though only length and width are used to calculate the area debrided. I hope this helps a bit.
Yes. You would use a split thickness skin graft code for the left lower leg, and 15273/15274 for the left thigh. Also, don't forget to bill the prep code for the stsg. Finally, you should be able to bill for the excisional debridement since it is a separate wound. However, debrided wounds need to be measured in length, width, and depth, even though only length and width are used to calculate the area debrided. I hope this helps a bit.
Thank you so much!