The ouptatient infusion center that I work for has recently gained the Apheresis team. This means that I will be doing the billing for the Apheresis which I know very little about
We are not sure that the hospital has been billing correctly for the Plasma exchanges and want to be sure that we do in order to get the maximum reimbursement. Looking at what information I have printed off 36514 is for Plasma Pheresis which is when they are removing the bad plasma from the patient. They then will use either Albumin or Fresh Frozen Plasma to be reinfused with the patients own blood after it has passed through and all the bad is removed. I am wondering if we should bill the 36514 for the removale than use another code for the reinfusion of the Albumin or FFP? I was looking at code 36516 for the reinfusion. So in a nut shell do we only use 36514 for the removing of the plasma and reinfusion? Or do we use a seperate code for the reinfusion? This has been my worst nightmare as i have no one here to really ask. I thank you in advance for any insight someone can give me