Wiki aortogram


Brodhead, KY
Best answers
both groins were prepped. wire placed in the right common femoral artery followed by a 6-French sheath. a glidewire was then placed up into the aorta followed by pigtail catheter. A flush aortogram was done. Next, we lowered the catheter and we did another flush aortogram to see the iliacs. Due to some problems we could not do a runoff. We went ahead and went up and over the bifurcation with an IM catheter, parked it in the common femoral artery and did an SFA dedicated shot. We then moved our catheter all the way down to the popliteal artery and did a very dedicated shot to the trifurcation and foot with normal appearance. We then removed our catheter and placed a 6-French Angio-Seal i the right groing without incident.

so far i have 75625


i am looking for confirmation on this any help is appreciated
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both groins were prepped. wire placed in the right common femoral artery followed by a 6-French sheath. a glidewire was then placed up into the aorta followed by pigtail catheter. A flush aortogram was done. Next, we lowered the catheter and we did another flush aortogram to see the iliacs. Due to some problems we could not do a runoff. We went ahead and went up and over the bifurcation with an IM catheter, parked it in the common femoral artery and did an SFA dedicated shot. We then moved our catheter all the way down to the popliteal artery and did a very dedicated shot to the trifurcation and foot with normal appearance. We then removed our catheter and placed a 6-French Angio-Seal i the right groing without incident.

so far i have 75625


i am looking for confirmation on this any help is appreciated

If there is discussion of the renal arteries on down to the aortic bifurcation, then you can bill the 75625. But based on what you wrote, I agree with your charges.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC