Wiki Aortic Arch injection


Chillicothe, OH
Best answers
My physicain did an aortic arch injection but I'm not sure I can bill 93567 because of the dx. Can I bill anything for this or is it included?

Aortography Injections
- The pigtail catheter was advanced into the aortic arch and an
injection of contrast was performed.

Aorta and Major Vessels
- There was mild atherosclerotic plaque of the aortic arch.

Thanks in advance,
My physicain did an aortic arch injection but I'm not sure I can bill 93567 because of the dx. Can I bill anything for this or is it included?

Aortography Injections
- The pigtail catheter was advanced into the aortic arch and an
injection of contrast was performed.

Aorta and Major Vessels
- There was mild atherosclerotic plaque of the aortic arch.

Thanks in advance,

I think this is an arch study, not a study of the aortic root (supravalvular) during a heart cath. I would code 36200/75650 instead of 93567. Also, 93567 can't be billed alone.

HTH :)
Here's the full report.

Procedure: Left Cardiac Catheterization, Left Ventriculography,
Coronary Angiography and Arch Aortography
Indications: Recurring chest pain with negative stress testing.
Shortness of breath.
Referring MD:
Procedure Medications:
Isovue 409 mL.
Total IV Fluids Administered
- IV Fluids: 0.9NaCl IV started @ kvo ml/hr IV Fluids
Oxygen: Started @ 2 L/min via nasal cannula
Midazolam (Versed) 2 mg IV.
Fentanyl (Sublimaze) 50 mcg IV.
Local Anesthetic to right groin 19 ml Lidocaine 2% >Initial mL, local
Oxygen: Increased to 4 L/min via nasal cannula
Oxygen: Increased to 6 L/min via nasal cannula
Total Diag Contrast: Isovue 409 ml's
Total Proc Contrast: Isovue 409 ml
Complications: No immediate complications.
Patient History:
PROCEDURE 2 Aortic Root
Pt Status: Admission Status: Outpatient Referral
Pt Status: Patient Admission Type >> Outpatient
Pt Status: Cath Status: Elective
Pt Status: PCI Status: Elective
Pt Status: Insurance Payor: Commercial
Hx/Risk Factors: BP Problems: Hypertension
Hx/Risk Factors: R/O CAD - Stress Test: Yes Positive
Hx/Risk Factors: Chest Pain/Angina
Previous Procedures: NONE
Beta Blocker-Beta Blocker > Yes
Description of Procedure:
- Right femoral artery. Access method: Percutaneous puncture.
- Fluoroscopy time: 13.6 minutes.
Devices Used
- Boston Scientific Fixed Core 3mm J .035" 145 cm
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. FL 4.0 cm
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr.Fr 4.0 cm
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. Pigtail Straight
- Terumo Standard 5 Fr.
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. IMA Regular
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. AL 1.0
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. AR 1
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. MP A2 - 100 cm
- Cordis Standard 6 Fr.
- Mynx
- 6Fr CLS 3.0 Boston Scientific RunWay
- 6Fr Hockey stick Boston Scientific RunWay
- 6Fr IMA Boston Scientific RunWay
- Namic 12 cc Control
- At the conclusion of the procedure, the right femoral artery sheath
was removed.
- Hemostasis was obtained with the Mynx.
Left Ventriculography
- The overall left ventricular systolic function was normal. Left
ventricular ejection fraction was 55-60%.

Left Main Coronary Artery
- There were no obstructing lesions in the left main coronary artery.
Blood flow appeared normal.

Left Anterior Descending Artery
- There was a 30 to 40% discrete stenosis in the proximal left anterior
descending artery. The proximal LAD had vasospasm during injection
relieved with nitroglycerin.

Left Circumflex Artery
- There was a 30% discrete stenosis in the proximal left circumflex

Right Coronary Artery
- Anomalous origin off the left coronary cusp. The right coronary artery
was dominant to the posterior circulation. There was a 30% discrete
stenosis in the mid right coronary artery. There was a 30% discrete
stenosis in the distal right coronary artery.

Aortography Injections
- The pigtail catheter was advanced into the aortic arch and an
injection of contrast was performed.

Aorta and Major Vessels
- There was mild atherosclerotic plaque of the aortic arch.
Minimal atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.
Anomalous origin of the RCA off the left coronary cusp.
Vasospasm of the proximal LAD during angriography.
The left ventricular ejection fraction was 55-60%.
The overall left ventricular systolic function was normal.
Arm Cuff Blood Pressure: 102 / 66 mmHg
O2 Sats: 98 %
Respiratory Rate: 8 r/min
Heart Rate: 57 /min
Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: 55-60%
O2 Estimated: 263.34 % 02
Aorta Pressure: 93 / 46 mmHg
Left Ventricle Systolic Pressure: 96 mm(hg)
Left Ventricle Diastolic Pressure: 18 mm(hg)
Left Ventricle End Diastolic Pressure: 28 mm(hg)
Aorta Mean Pressure: 66 mm(hg)
Systemic Venous Hemoglobin: 14
Hemoglobin: 14
Optimal medical therapy of the patient's disease, including
anti-vasospastic therapy.
Aggressive risk factor modification.
Here's the full report.

Procedure: Left Cardiac Catheterization, Left Ventriculography,
Coronary Angiography and Arch Aortography
Indications: Recurring chest pain with negative stress testing.
Shortness of breath.
Referring MD:
Procedure Medications:
Isovue 409 mL.
Total IV Fluids Administered
- IV Fluids: 0.9NaCl IV started @ kvo ml/hr IV Fluids
Oxygen: Started @ 2 L/min via nasal cannula
Midazolam (Versed) 2 mg IV.
Fentanyl (Sublimaze) 50 mcg IV.
Local Anesthetic to right groin 19 ml Lidocaine 2% >Initial mL, local
Oxygen: Increased to 4 L/min via nasal cannula
Oxygen: Increased to 6 L/min via nasal cannula
Total Diag Contrast: Isovue 409 ml's
Total Proc Contrast: Isovue 409 ml
Complications: No immediate complications.
Patient History:
PROCEDURE 2 Aortic Root
Pt Status: Admission Status: Outpatient Referral
Pt Status: Patient Admission Type >> Outpatient
Pt Status: Cath Status: Elective
Pt Status: PCI Status: Elective
Pt Status: Insurance Payor: Commercial
Hx/Risk Factors: BP Problems: Hypertension
Hx/Risk Factors: R/O CAD - Stress Test: Yes Positive
Hx/Risk Factors: Chest Pain/Angina
Previous Procedures: NONE
Beta Blocker-Beta Blocker > Yes
Description of Procedure:
- Right femoral artery. Access method: Percutaneous puncture.
- Fluoroscopy time: 13.6 minutes.
Devices Used
- Boston Scientific Fixed Core 3mm J .035" 145 cm
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. FL 4.0 cm
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr.Fr 4.0 cm
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. Pigtail Straight
- Terumo Standard 5 Fr.
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. IMA Regular
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. AL 1.0
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. AR 1
- Boston Scientific 5 Fr. MP A2 - 100 cm
- Cordis Standard 6 Fr.
- Mynx
- 6Fr CLS 3.0 Boston Scientific RunWay
- 6Fr Hockey stick Boston Scientific RunWay
- 6Fr IMA Boston Scientific RunWay
- Namic 12 cc Control
- At the conclusion of the procedure, the right femoral artery sheath
was removed.
- Hemostasis was obtained with the Mynx.
Left Ventriculography
- The overall left ventricular systolic function was normal. Left
ventricular ejection fraction was 55-60%.

Left Main Coronary Artery
- There were no obstructing lesions in the left main coronary artery.
Blood flow appeared normal.

Left Anterior Descending Artery
- There was a 30 to 40% discrete stenosis in the proximal left anterior
descending artery. The proximal LAD had vasospasm during injection
relieved with nitroglycerin.

Left Circumflex Artery
- There was a 30% discrete stenosis in the proximal left circumflex

Right Coronary Artery
- Anomalous origin off the left coronary cusp. The right coronary artery
was dominant to the posterior circulation. There was a 30% discrete
stenosis in the mid right coronary artery. There was a 30% discrete
stenosis in the distal right coronary artery.

Aortography Injections
- The pigtail catheter was advanced into the aortic arch and an
injection of contrast was performed.

Aorta and Major Vessels
- There was mild atherosclerotic plaque of the aortic arch.
Minimal atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.
Anomalous origin of the RCA off the left coronary cusp.
Vasospasm of the proximal LAD during angriography.
The left ventricular ejection fraction was 55-60%.
The overall left ventricular systolic function was normal.
Arm Cuff Blood Pressure: 102 / 66 mmHg
O2 Sats: 98 %
Respiratory Rate: 8 r/min
Heart Rate: 57 /min
Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction: 55-60%
O2 Estimated: 263.34 % 02
Aorta Pressure: 93 / 46 mmHg
Left Ventricle Systolic Pressure: 96 mm(hg)
Left Ventricle Diastolic Pressure: 18 mm(hg)
Left Ventricle End Diastolic Pressure: 28 mm(hg)
Aorta Mean Pressure: 66 mm(hg)
Systemic Venous Hemoglobin: 14
Hemoglobin: 14
Optimal medical therapy of the patient's disease, including
anti-vasospastic therapy.
Aggressive risk factor modification.

The phrase "major vessels' had me thinking "arch vessels" (carotids, subclavian arteries etc). This was not correct per this report. Please ignor my previous post. I would code this:
93458 for the LHC and 93567 for the aortic root injection (not an arch study even though the arch is seen).

HTH :)