Wiki Anyone Heard of Vantage Healthcare Remote Jobs?


Woodstock, GA
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I applied to this company and it is for a remote pediatrics coding position. I cross referenced the name with the AAPC site and I do not see much for them. I try to research any job offers I might get and so the lack of information for this one has raised a few red flags. Better safe than sorry I guess. Has anyone here worked for them or heard of them or know anyone who currently or has worked for them? They say they have been around 20 years and have offices in a few places around the country, but still I would like to know from people who have worked there. I do not want to be a guinea pig. Thanks.
Yes, I have heard of Vantage Healthcare. Don't know too much about them. However, they have been around for awhile. They changed names recently, so that is probably why you can not find information regarding the company online.