Wiki Anyone else in this situation?


Lubbock, TX
Best answers
Dermatopathologist in a dermatology physician office leases lab space from a hospital but furnishes his own equipment and pays his own personnel to prepare slides. He then reads the slides and renders the reports from his office in the building next door. Can he bill a global service and what place of service would he bill? He also reads for other dermatologists not part of his group. I have gotten so many different answers I am not sure what to bill. Thanks.
i would say if the codes can be billed for both & the hosp is not billing for their own space then he could bill globally. if hosp is billing the tech portion (not sure why they would) then he should only bill the pro fee. as for the read only for the other guys that would be pro fee only!! in any case the bottom line should be no double dipping!!