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I have taken CPC exam couple of times. I do good on material, but keep running out of time. I know I should allow 2.5 minutes for each question, but any other advice. And is there any type of process of elimination tips. Any tip would be helpful.

Please help...BB

I just took my CPC-H in Sept and passed on the first try. What worked for me was before you even read the question look at the answers and see how they compare to each other. If there is one answer that looks totally different than the others it is almost always NOT the right answer. Now mind you, I said ALMOST always.

If you find two answers that are exactly alike except for a difference of just one or two codes then one of those is most LIKELY one of the right answers. Again, I said most likely but not always. If you know how to code well enough, all you should have to do is look up the one or two codes that are different to find the right answer.

Answering questions this way will save you LOTS of time.
It took me twice to pass. What helped me was going to the back and doing all the easy ones that I knew first. Then I had more time for the rest. Also if you know your guide lines well. I highlighted everything., I also bought the short tests from AAPC. I looked at my score and purchased the ones that I had the lowest scores.
I have taken CPC exam couple of times. I do good on material, but keep running out of time. I know I should allow 2.5 minutes for each question, but any other advice. And is there any type of process of elimination tips. Any tip would be helpful.

Please help...BB

I think the first problem is that you're giving yourself too much time for each question. If you allow yourself 2.5 minutes for 150 questions, that comes out to 375 minutes, which is 6.25 hours, but the exam is only 5:40.