Wiki Any CPB's here ?


Local Chapter Officer
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Best answers
Hello All,

I am planning to take the Newly launched CPB certification for Billers by this year end as my employer is requesting it.

Can anyone Please let me know about :

1. Anyone from this forum(or your friends/colleagues) has attended to this certification ?
2. If Yes, How about the difficulty level of the exam ?
3. What are the various recommended resources available (Study guides, Tests etc)
4. I found only 1 practice test available to procure from AAPC (50 questions), is that the only one that AAPC have and how to get more and from where ?
5. Does anyone know about CMBS (Traditional Alternative for CPB ) by AMBA ? and which one is the well recognized among these (CPB or CMBS) ?
6 Other tips and any related useful Info

Please let me know the above and I am waiting for your replies.

i am taking in Septemberand posted asking for help also. I will be finished with the on line course in about 3 weeks,and was told by the instructor to do the online practice exam to help pass.
I am taking the test in September also. I am wondering about all of these questions too. Are you ladies going to mark your CPT book with acronyms for all of the regulations and plans?
YES! There is no way to remember all that insurance information. I have been putting notes in my CPT and HCPCS books. I hope I can finish all 200 questions,I barely finished with enough time for the 150 questions on the other tests. At the end of the book there are a bunch of case studies and a cd to go online and do more insurance studies,etc. Between that and the practice test, I hope this is enough! I would really like to pass one of the tests on the first try!
Hello All,

I am planning to take the Newly launched CPB certification for Billers by this year end as my employer is requesting it.

Can anyone Please let me know about :

1. Anyone from this forum(or your friends/colleagues) has attended to this certification ?I took the course in 2013
2. If Yes, How about the difficulty level of the exam ?Personally, I thought it was extremely easy, however I had experience in the billing world for 5 years prior to obtaining my certification.
3. What are the various recommended resources available (Study guides, Tests etc) I didn't use anything other than what came with the course.
4. I found only 1 practice test available to procure from AAPC (50 questions), is that the only one that AAPC have and how to get more and from where ?
5. Does anyone know about CMBS (Traditional Alternative for CPB ) by AMBA ? and which one is the well recognized among these (CPB or CMBS) ?
6 Other tips and any related useful Info

Please let me know the above and I am waiting for your replies.

I don't know about the rest of the questions you asked, sorry I cannot provide more