Wiki any code for this visit??


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Hi we hv a strange scenario and I am curious if any one has ever had something like this occur.

Hv a pt who applied for a federal position, he has ADD or ADHD he checked that off on his app and now b/c of that a Federal personale interviewer wants to meet with the doc and discuss this diag w the doc.

We hv no way to bill for this visit do we? Does anyone know???? TXS in advance for any help!!! ;)
Up front charge

FIRST - check with your attorney to see if you can legally share anything from the patient's chart with this person.

You will have to notify the person who requested the "consult" of HIPPA restrictions, requirements. And you will have to get the necessary permission/waiver from your patient to discuss his/her medical record with anyone.

As to FEE ... IF the patient (and your attorney) has agreed to the above. I would inform the personnel interviewer that my fee for this "consultation" would be $X/hour with a minimum of 1 hour payment, payable in advance by business or certified check. This is not a medical service to the patient. There is no exam and you are not providing counseling/coordination of care to the patient. You will have to interrupt your medical practice to meet with this person, at this person's request. I would expect the person requesting this kind of meeting to pay for it.

Hope that was helpful.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC
I agree with Tessa. At the practice I used to work for, our docs frequently got requests for medical opinions on cases from Lawyers. We charged $300 per hour, minimum one hour, up front.
The manager sent a letter and a bill. It didn't involve coding since we weren't billing for patient care.