Wiki Anticoagulation Clinic

carol ann

Winfield, KS
Best answers
PLEASE HELP!!! Our hospital pharmacist has a anticoaulation clinic in the outpatient services of the hospital. He reviews their medications, adjusting doses and checks their lab, etc. THeir is a MD in house for questions and the MD also reviews and signs off all his notes, etc. So my questions are:
1. Can we bill a 99211 for the pharmacist if he makes adjustments to the patient medications and draws the blood, etc.
2. Is the 99211, only for patients who are extablished with the MD who oversees the pharmacist?
Can a 99211, be billed for patients who are new to the MD, if the MD has never seen this patient before?
Is there any guidelines on coumadin clinic billing and coding?
no a pharmacists may not bill with a 99211. To bill a 99211 under an MD number , the person performing the service must be an employee of the physician, the physician must have already examined the patient for this same problem in a previous encounter and must be present within the office suite area while the patient is being seen, however in a facility setting the physician must be "over the shoulder" to bill using the MD NPI number.
So the big question here is whose NPI is in field 24J