Wiki antepartum help!


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I am new to billing ob/gyn deliveries...My doctor wrote on the charge slip to charge for Antepartum... Does this mean charge delivery?
I am new to billing ob/gyn deliveries...My doctor wrote on the charge slip to charge for Antepartum... Does this mean charge delivery?

Antepartum is the period of time prior to delivery. Ante = before, postpartum is the period of time after delivery. Post = after
I take it your doc then did not perform the delivery.
If the patient only had 3 antepartum visits, bill E/M codes for each. 4-6 visits, bill 59425. 7 or more bill 59426. You would not bill 59425 and 59426 together. Just one or the other. I also put a note on the claim that I am billing the antepartum because the patient left the practice, no longer pregnant, etc.

Robin King, CPC