Wiki Another new vs. est question - urgent care


True Blue
Rensselaer, NY
Best answers
I think I know this answer, but would appreciate verification or other opinions. Does the 3 year rule for established patients also apply to urgent care centers? I believe it does, as patients may return there for follow up visits, etc. But because most patients come for new problems much like an ER, which doesn't have new/established codes, I wonder if all problems would be considered "new." I don't belive so - I do think the new/est rules apply, but now I am starting to doubt myself. Thanks!
new vs est

The patient could be established, and still have a new problem
to the provider. The 3 year rule still applies.
new vs est

I agree with Sandy. Established patients can have new problems, it happens all the time with primary care providers. The 3 year rule for new versus established still applies.