Wiki Annual Exams

Deb Pugh

Flagstaff, AZ
Best answers
We have a delimma in our office. If a patient comes in for an Annual Exam (Well Woman Exam, etc.) and between the front desk and the provider this fact gets lost. The provider does the visit as a sick visit and the patient education is not done. Do you still bill it as a 9938X or 9939X since the patient came in for that? Or do you send it out with 992XX? :confused:
We have a delimma in our office. If a patient comes in for an Annual Exam (Well Woman Exam, etc.) and between the front desk and the provider this fact gets lost. The provider does the visit as a sick visit and the patient education is not done. Do you still bill it as a 9938X or 9939X since the patient came in for that? Or do you send it out with 992XX? :confused:

You can't send it out because of lack of the provider facts.
This happens in our office also. We change it to the sick and reschedule the physical. This depends on the "sick" chief complaint. If it's htn,dm,chol we'll stick to the prevent. If it's a URI it goes to 99212-99214