Wiki AnneKG

Monroe, CT
Best answers
Question: I have been a CPC-A and am working on removing the A. I live in CT in recent monthly magazine AAPC states Connecticut is 1st for need of medical coders. I find most facilities want a minimum of 3-5 years expirience and tyring to get in at Yale is impossible, alot of the hospitals are in Hartford, or eastern CT. I have thrown good money after bad to try to get a decent paying job to no avail. I have 50plus college credits ( no degree) am a medical assistant and coder yet I cant get a job in coding to save my life. Any thoughts? I also wish the BPT CT AAPC chapter would have more than a pay for review for exam CEU meetings they dont help the people who already have taken the exam, maybe lectures for no cost CEU's?
Regarding your local chapter, it is my understanding from reading the AAPC Chapter Handbook that each chapter must, and I quote directly from the handbook, "hold at least six approved chapter meetings (or five approved meetings and one approved seminar) per year where little to no cost CEUs are offered." I would suggest looking on the local chapter section of the AAPC website to see if they are offering these and if not try contacting one of your officers - the education officer if your chapter is large enough to have one - to see if they have any planned that have just not been posted yet. Depending on the response you get, the next step I would suggest is to reach out to the AAPCCA representatives for your location. If you don't know who they are or need their contact information, you can view this by hovering over My AAPC in the top right corner, then clicking Officers and Representatives under My Chapter column, then clicking the AAPCCA tab.

Hope that helps!