Wiki Angiogram

Louisville, KY
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If the patient has had a prior catherization by ANOTHER PHYSICIAN NOT IN YOUR PRACTICE and you are providing the intervention which requires another angiogram is that billable? Just wondering because we often see this situation. I know that CPT states that it is consider a prior diagnostic. However what if this physician needs the angiogram to decided that intervention is needed? In this situation would you code the angiogram? Especially since it is another phyisican whose not in your practice and cannot perform intervention.
If the patient has had a prior catherization by ANOTHER PHYSICIAN NOT IN YOUR PRACTICE and you are providing the intervention which requires another angiogram is that billable? Just wondering because we often see this situation. I know that CPT states that it is consider a prior diagnostic. However what if this physician needs the angiogram to decided that intervention is needed? In this situation would you code the angiogram? Especially since it is another phyisican whose not in your practice and cannot perform intervention.

It depends on two things. Was there any changes in patient status between angiogram and intervention. It the prior diagnostic angio imaging good enough to make a diagnostic decision. If no changes in patient status, and the angiogram is diagnostic, then do not bill diagnostic the second time.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC