Wiki Angina and Hypertension

Best answers
Are they considered like HTN & CKD where you have to use a combination code?
Patient with Hx of High blood pressure. Primary Dx of Unstable angina.

Also, would it even be eligible for a combo code since it says "High blood pressure" with no mention of Hypertension anywhere in the chart?
Are they considered like HTN & CKD where you have to use a combination code?
Patient with Hx of High blood pressure. Primary Dx of Unstable angina.

Also, would it even be eligible for a combo code since it says "High blood pressure" with no mention of Hypertension anywhere in the chart?

No, the relationship is not assumed like with HTN and CKD. The "with" convention from the ICD-10-CM guidelines only applies to terms that are specifically listed under "with" in the alphabetic index. Angina does not appear under "with" for hypertension in the alphabetic index.
I would ask the Auditor to provide something in writing that shows this is the case.

(I am really curious to see this, so if she does provide something in writing, please post it here.)
Not how it works, unfortunately. She demanded that I send her something that proves I'm right. Of course, when I showed her Coding Clinics and such (including an article on this site saying that I was right that ‘HBP is not automatically HTN’), she said that they "didn't matter" since they're not actually in the ICD10 book. Then again, things actually IN the ICD10 book didn't matter either because she only uses 3M to check things (which isn't a perfect software). She was screaming at me. LITERALLY screaming. She been there for years but takes pride in never having coded before and "being self-taught" 🤦‍♂️
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