Wiki Aneuryms icd 10


Charleston, WV
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If a patient suffered a spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrahage and our provider performed catherization and angiography for the vessels and now comes into our office for a follow up how would you code this? I67.1 or Z95.828 or something else?
A subarachnoid hemorrhage is coded in the I60 category, not I67.1, which is for a non-ruptured aneurysm. You haven't mentioned any grafts or implants here, so Z95.828 is not appropriate just based on the information you've given. But it's hard to give you any definitive coding advice without having seen the actual physician documentation for this encounter.
A subarachnoid hemorrhage is coded in the I60 category, not I67.1, which is for a non-ruptured aneurysm. You haven't mentioned any grafts or implants here, so Z95.828 is not appropriate just based on the information you've given. But it's hard to give you any definitive coding advice without having seen the actual physician documentation for this encounter.
He is postop of the catherization and angiography for the vessels. This was previously done in the hospital. Patient is now in our office for a follow-up of that procedure. He no longer has an active ruptured aneurysm.
He is postop of the catherization and angiography for the vessels. This was previously done in the hospital. Patient is now in our office for a follow-up of that procedure. He no longer has an active ruptured aneurysm.
If the condition is resolved, I would code Z09 for aftercare, with Z86.79 Personal history of other diseases of the circulatory system for the history of the aneurysm. But again, without seeing the medical record I can't guarantee that's correct.