Wiki Anesthesia Units


Glenn Heights, TX
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Hello I have a physician billing an additional 5 units for all anesthesia charges.

For instance if he bills anesthesia code 01936 (5 Base units) and say 3 units for the minutes, it would normally be a total of 8 units in all.

However, he is adding an additional 5 base units and requesting that the units be billed at 13 units for the position. My issue is that the position is prone and nothing extraordinary about the procedure.

Can someone help me to elaborate to my physician that this is inappropriate or is this okay to bill ?
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It's my understanding the only time base units would be changed is if there is field avoidance involved, and the base units of the procedure are less than 5. If field avoidance is documented, then the base units would be bumped to 5. What is the physician's reasoning for adding additional base units? Do the payers pay on the additional units? I would think they wouldn't.