Wiki Anesthesia for Colonoscopies - MAC or General


Providence, UT
Best answers
Our group just recently started providing anesthesia services for colonoscopies (previously sedation was done by the RNs.) We are debating whether colonoscopies should be considered MAC or general anesthesia. Would love to hear how other groups are weighing in on this! Thank you!
I don't bill anesthesia, but isn't the coding determined by the service being provided? Colonoscopies would typically be MAC, but you may have a patient who requires general anesthesia.
I've been coding anesthesia for many years. The anesthesiologists determine the level of anesthesia based on the patient's needs and co-morbidities. I have seen MAC, General and TIVA used primary anesthesia methods for colonoscopies and EGDs. The anesthesia method should be indicated on the anesthesia record.

If your providers choose to primarily use MAC, you need to become familiar with your state's MAC LCD list of co-morbidity diagnoses approved for MAC anesthesia.
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Agree with LisaAlonso23.... Endoscopy precedures can be performed in MAC, General depends on patient condition. There is no default type of anesthesia for endoscopies..