Wiki Anemia of other chronic disease - 285.29


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I work in the hospital outpatient clinic setting. One of doctors coded 285.29 on their progress note as a stand alone code. I received a call from our Health info. management department telling me we need and additional code to describe the "other chronic diease". I checked a few of my resourses and do not see any direction in the ICD 9 code books to support that. I was told that her informaiton was coming from a Faye Brown correct coding guideline. I do not see that direction in the Official ICD 9 guidelines. Can someone clear this up for us?
Thanks :eek:
Anemia of other chronic disease

I did not see it either in the Tabular, but I agree with Devin. It is no longer acceptable to just be vague about diagnoses, and conditions. We have to be more specific. I read that we should use as many codes as necessary to code to the highest level of specificity, unless there is a combination code that covers all aspects of the diagnosis. If your documentation does not reveal the cause of the anemia; you may have to query the doctor or nurse for more documentation. What is causing the anemia? What is the disease?